Planted some beets from seeds. I think these seeds will do better than the other beet seeds I had planted. The others were old and never did emerge. I planted these in two rows in between the other, older beet seeds that I had planted.
There were also a pansy that needed to be transplanted. The pansy had been grown from seed in the small greenhouse. This one has turned out to be a blue and white flowered pansy.
Planted some impatiens seeds to a large pot I had bought from Walmart several years ago. I figured that the pot might as well be put to use, so impatiens seemed to be a good fit.
In addition to planting beets and impatiens, I planted some cherry tomato seeds. These I planted in two places. I planted about half of the seed pack into the ground and the other half were planted into pots. Some of the pots were 12" pots while the others were repurposed cat liter plastic bins.
As an experiment I planted some zinnia seeds into an old aluminum baking pan and into an old food tray.