Many disbelieve in God for a variety of reasons. The French existentialist Jean-Paul Sarte and Albert Camus were at the forefront of modern atheism and some suggest more atheist than the new atheists. These two, and others, strongly disbelieved and argued against God. They were, some claim, more serious at their craft than the modern new atheism. They were not merely playing with atheism but rather sought to the bottom of it.
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- Written by: David
Not a week goes by without a report of censorship with popular social media Companies such as Facebook, Twitter, YouTube, and others. With Facebook and other Social Media outlets censoring the content of its users, many are searching for a Facebook alternative.
I have been looking around for Facebook alternatives for a several months now. I have also been watching where other YouTube content creators are going as well as watching trends for alternatives. Here are two alternatives for Facebook that many Facebookers and YouTubers are increasingly embracing and that I often see as suggested alternatives in Social Media comments.
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- Written by: David
It seems in today's world that to have conviction may cause someone to be labeled as a hateful person. Yet merely because someone has a conviction on an issue, does not indicate such a person is hateful.
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- Written by: David
I think it would be fair to say that the Globalist agenda, which includes multiculturalism, is a new form of Imperialism and Colonialism. Many Globalist Companies promote the Imperialist multiculturalism for their own financial benefit in other markets. Not only do Globalist Companies promote it, but they often demand those in the other Countries or markets accept their multicultural ideas. Such multiculturalists accuse European countries of forcing the Western culture upon the natives of the colonial territories, yet all the while they are being hypocrites by doing the same in trying to force their multiculturalism on other cultures and places.
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- Written by: Thomas Cloycesen
Read more: Are Globalization and Multiculturalism the new forms of Imperialism and Colonialism?
Do you lack a sense of belonging? Do you lack a sense of accomplishment? Do you lack a sense of worth or importance? Do you feel like you're not accepted for whom you are? If you answered, "yes," to any of these questions, then you're not alone. Most people do. These are core questions that everyone struggles with frequently and sometimes even on a continual basis.
Here are a few ideas and actions that can help address these questions. These actions are mutually beneficial such that the increase of one causes an increase in the others.
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- Written by: David
As I listen, watch, and read about the events going on in the world today, such as the war between Russia and the Ukraine, it can be hard to decipher what is really going on.
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- Written by: Thomas Cloycesen
Read more: Strife and Warmongering: Shutting Out the Noise of the World